Our favorite time of year is finally here!
Anyone who knows us will not be surprised to know that our office Christmas tree is up and decorated and our lights are hung!
We love to get into the Christmas spirit and especially the spirit of giving.
This year we are again happy to help support the MexiCAN Compassion Project reach their goal of 1500 toys for the local children in Puerto Morelos.
Toys Toys Toys
Some of the toys will be distributed on Christmas Day to families to families who are, for the most part, living in very poor conditions with no services and with so few resources that the children are unlikely to be able to get an education due to the cost. The donations last year were greatly appreciated and we know they are looking forward to them this year as well. The rest of the toys will be distributed on Three Kings Day, January 6th, to a community of need in the jungle outside Puerto Morelos.
The MexiCAN Compassion Project is an incredible non profit organization that helps local families in Puerto Morelos. They are amazing and do everything from bring school supplies to the kids in the jungle to organizing volunteers for clean ups and special events around town that benefit the kids.
Donations have already been pouring in but we still need more!
How can you help?
If you’re in the area and want to donate toys — Chedraui, Walmart and Mega are great options and have a good selection of toys for you to choose from within the target price range ($100- $200 pesos).
No time to shop? No worries! You can help out with cash as well!
Unwrapped toys or cash donations can be dropped off at the Grupo Kaam office located next door to us, or, if their office is closed, we are happy to hold the donation for them!
If you’re not able to be here and donate actual toys or cash, please consider a monetary donation to the MexiCan Compassion GoFundMe for this project – click here!
Happy Holidays from Run Away Realty!